Vacation time off should be discussed and communicated to the supervisor with at least 10 days notice, and subsequently entered accurately and completely in Workday.
- Before utilizing vacation time off, any holiday credit time off, discretionary time off, and compensatory time off must be exhausted.
- Vacation time off accrual is set according to the length of service and employment program. Review Vacation Time Off Accrual for exact accrual rates and additional information.
Maximum vacation time off accrual
Employees may not exceed 280 hours (effective 6/6/2024) of accrued vacation time off. Workday will provide notifications to employees who are encroaching on this limit, however, supervisors should also proactively review employee accrual balances and work with high-balance employees to schedule time off and mitigate balance exceptions.
Please note recent policy change:
On June 6, 2024, a change in Washington state law increases the vacation accrual maximum from 240 hours to 280 hours for classified employees. This change means classified employees whose time off service date occurs before June 6, 2024, will have their vacation time off balance capped at 240 hours. Classified employees whose time off service date occurs on or after June 6 will have their vacation time off balance capped at 280 hours.
Consistent with the intent of the change in state law for classified employees, the vacation separation pay maximum for professional staff will also increase from 240 hours to 280 hours on June 6, 2024.
For further than here and below regarding current vacation time off accrual, balance maximums, separation payout and transfer of balances for classified and professional staff, refer to the Vacation Time Off webpage.
Classified Staff
Vacation time off that exceeds 280 hours (effective 6/6/24) will be forfeited, except as prohibited by the contract. In the event that an employee exceeds 280 hours of accrued time voluntarily, the excess must be used before the employee’s anniversary date.
If a supervisor denies time off requests due to business needs, causing an employee to involuntarily exceed the limit, the supervisor must notify Executive Shared Services immediately so that additional steps can be taken to request an extension from Human Resources.
Please note recent policy change:
On June 6, 2024, a change in Washington state law increases the vacation accrual maximum from 240 hours to 280 hours for classified employees. This change means classified employees whose time off service date occurs before June 6, 2024, will have their vacation time off balance capped at 240 hours. Classified employees whose time off service date occurs on or after June 6 will have their vacation time off balance capped at 280 hours.
Professional Staff
Hours are not forfeited while a professional staff member remains employed with the University, however, only 280 hours will be paid out to an employee upon termination from the University, regardless of the reason for separation. There is no exception or waiver available to exceed this maximum.
Additionally, to allow for prompt recruitment of the departing employee’s position, minimal disruption while maintaining business continuity, and support of the remaining team members on staff in the affected department, the policy of the President and Provost is that professional staff members may take up to two weeks (80 hours; or appropriate hours for FTE) of vacation time off between their final day in-office and their final date of employment.
In summary, a professional staff member may take up to two weeks of vacation time off from their last day in the office until their last day on the payroll; followed by a payout of remaining unused vacation time off, up to 280 hours, upon termination.
Please note recent policy change:
Consistent with the intent of the change in state law for classified employees, the vacation separation pay maximum for professional staff will also increase from 240 hours to 280 hours on June 6, 2024.