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The University of Washington reimburses travelers for allowable, business-related travel expenses. Travelers must follow University travel policies.

Executive Office travelers must follow the guidelines, policies, and best practices on this webpage. If you have further questions after reviewing the webpage or need information on topics not covered here, please reach out to Executive Office Finance (EOFin) via the EO Finance General Consultation form.

Pre-Travel Action Items

If the travel being booked is for a non-UW employee, please reach out to EOFin via the EO Finance General Consultation form

Pre-Travel Action Items

The steps a traveler should take to complete an EOFin Travel Approval Request Form [PDF] are as follows:

  1. Traveler fills out the form with their information and trip details.
  2. Traveler obtains signatures in the designated spaces on the form.
  3. Traveler (or individual requesting on their behalf) submits the completed form to EOFin via the Travel Approval Upload Form for review prior to travel.

For questions regarding required signatures, please reach out to the EO Finance team via the EO Finance General Consultation form.

After submitting the Pre-Travel Approval form to EOFin, travelers can book airfare if necessary by contacting Tangerine Travel via email (

If personal time is included in the trip, travelers must use personal funds to book airfare. Reimbursement is available post-travel after the Travel Reimbursement form is submitted to EOFin.

Additionally, travelers taking personal time must obtain comparison airfare documentation at the time of booking, as it is required for reimbursement. Comparison airfare can be requested through Tangerine Travel.

After submitting the Pre-Travel Approval form, if booking lodging is required, the traveler should book lodging using personal funds, based on the destination’s current per diem lodging rate. Lodging per diem is the maximum allowable amount the traveler can spend per night based on the location.

Determining the lodging per diem rate can be complex. If you need assistance on determining the maximum allowable amount, please contact the team using the EO Finance General Consultation form.

Travelers should familiarize themselves with the EO Finance Travel webpage. Pay special attention to the ‘During Travel: Important Policies & Guidance’ section. This section is especially valuable for managing the ‘during’ phase of travel.

During Travel: Important Policies & Guidance

The guidance below is in collaboration with UW Central Offices.

During Travel Important Policies & Guidance

In order to complete the Travel Reimbursement form post travel, the documents listed in this section may be required. Certain documents are applicable for each traveler based on their purchases and circumstance.

  • Pre-Travel Approval Request Form
  • Car Rental Agreement
  • Mileage Log and/or Google map route (screenshot)
  • Itemized Documentation
  • Perjury Statement (if you are missing receipts for expenses over $75)
  • Comparison Airfare Documentation

Itemized Receipts for:

  • Lodging
  • Ride Shares / Car Services
  • Meals Paid for Others
  • Baggage Fees
  • Parking Fees
  • Other Purchases (reimbursement is desired for)

Please note, this list covers common items and documentation that may be required. However, there may be further documentation needed based on the traveler’s situation.

Ride Share
Travelers are limited to the service provider’s standard class. Tips for car service are reimbursable. Any upgrades purchased for personal convenience are not reimbursable.

Priority Pickup Upgrade Fees, Wait Time Fees, and Car Service types that are not the standard “UberX” or “Lyft” require administrator approval for reimbursement.

Car Rental
UW allows reimbursement for car rentals up to a full-size sedan. The final itemized rental agreement is required at time of reimbursement. Any class higher than full size requires justification.

Travelers should pay for their own meals unless there is a UW business need. If a traveler pays for their own meal and other travelers, an itemized receipt will be required for reimbursement. As well, it will need to follow the meals per diem policy (read more in the “Per Diem for Meals” section of the webpage).

In accordance with UW travel policy, the maximum allowable amount for meals while traveling is calculated using the meals per diem rate, which is location dependent.

Determining the meals per diem rate can be a difficult process. EOFin is here to offer support. If consultation on determining the maximum allowable amount is wanted, please contact the team via the EO Finance General Consultation form.

Post-Travel Action Items

Gather all required documentation and itemized receipts related to the travel. Complete the Travel Reimbursement form, ideally within two months of the travel end date, as recommended by EO Finance. Prompt submission ensures efficient processing and helps prevent the loss of documents and receipts.