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The Executive Office Building Coordinator is responsible for the upkeep and management of work orders for all common areas in Schmitz Hall and Gerberding Hall. This includes hallways, stairwells, elevators, entrances, lobbies, restrooms, and other shared spaces. This role also involves overseeing the purchase, placement, and maintenance of cleaning supplies, sanitizers, and signage in these common areas.

Examples of Maintenance Requests

  • Water Intrusion and Mold: Issues from windows, ceilings, or plumbing within non-assigned spaces.
  • IT, Electrical, or Telecommunications Access: Access needs within non-assigned spaces.
  • General Upkeep and Cleaning: For non-assigned spaces.
  • Building Exterior Maintenance: Including broken windows, trash cleanup, graffiti, etc.
  • Elevator Issues: Problems such as jammed or immobile elevators, or non-functioning buttons. In the event you are stuck in the elevator, please press the emergency call button on the elevator panel. If another individual is stuck in the elevator and they are unable to press the emergency button, please call the UW Facilities 24/7 Customer Care line at 206-685-1900 and press 0 for emergencies.

Maintenance Request Form

Assigned Spaces

It remains the responsibility of each office/unit within Gerberding Hall and Schmitz Hall to purchase and maintain supplies and signage for all assigned spaces within that unit. This includes all office spaces and suites, reception areas, kitchenettes, conference rooms, and storage spaces (including surplus). Maintenance issues for assigned spaces (e.g. offices) should be reported to UW Facilities via their Request Service webpage.

Building Coordination

Gerberding Hall
1704 NE Grant Ln
Seattle, WA 98195
Building Hours: M-F 8 am – 5 pm
UW Facilities – Gerberding Hall
Schmitz Hall
1410 NE Campus Pkwy
Seattle, WA 98195
Building Hours: M-F 8 am – 5 pm
UW Facilities – Schmitz Hall

The Role of the Executive Office Building Coordinator

The Building Coordinator serves as the primary liaison with UW Facilities, UW Police Department, Environmental Health and Safety, and UW Information Technology to manage building-related needs and services.

Policy information on the Building Coordinator role can be found in  UW Administrative Policy Statement 13.04.

The Executive Office Building Coordinator (EOBC) is responsible for the upkeep and management of work orders for all common areas in Schmitz Hall and Gerberding Hall. This includes hallways, stairwells, elevators, entrances, lobbies, restrooms, and other shared spaces. This role also involves overseeing the purchase, placement, and maintenance of cleaning supplies, sanitizers, and signage in these common areas.

For further questions or more information on this webpage or the Executive Office, Schmitz Hall and Gerberding Hall Building Coordinator, please email .

Unit Responsibility

It is the responsibility of each office/unit within Gerberding Hall and Schmitz Hall to contact UW Facilities for issues inside of their assigned spaces. This helps them to contact and schedule directly with that unit for access.

Units are also responsible for purchasing and maintaining supplies and signage for their assigned spaces, and for scheduling surplus pickups. Assigned spaces may include office spaces and suites, reception areas, kitchenettes, conference rooms, and storage spaces.

Situations Requiring Immediate or Specialized Assistance

For Emergencies: If you witness criminal behavior, violence or threats of violence, or any situation requiring an immediate response, call 911.

For Non-Emergencies: To request help with a problem or concern that isn’t an emergency, call 206-685-8973 (UWPD) TTY.

For Distress or Outreach Services: If someone appears to be in distress or could benefit from outreach services, contact the UW Police non-emergency line at 206-685-8973.